Welcome to the WMS Online Finder (WOLF)


The Supply Chain Group (SCG) carried out a study on the global market for warehouse management systems (WMS).

Read the instructions below or click "search" and use WOLF for your online WMS selection.

WOLF identifies the best candidates for your warehouse operation. You can also download the associated report WMS Market 2007/2008 and other goodies for free.

How to use WOLF?

WOLF is the WMS OnLine Finder. Using WOLF is easy. Click “search” in the menu. Subsequently, select the items that best describe your requirements. For extra information on an item in the list, simply hold your mouse above the item and the information will be shown in a tool tip. After you have specified all requirements, click “find WMS” at the bottom of the page and the WMS-Finder shows you the overall scores of the various systems.

Unique Approach

Our study uses a unique new approach. Instead of investigating the functional capabilities of systems, we have asked the vendors to characterise their target group. The idea behind this approach is that a vendor typically has in-depth functionality and broad experience to serve its target market. Accordingly, WOLF finds an excellent match between your requirements and the vendors’ capabilities.

Global Survey

Not only our innovative approach is unique. The survey is also the first global WMS survey. Five SCG members surveyed their local WMS market in the Benelux region, Germany/Switzerland/Austria, UK and Ireland, USA and Canada, and France respectively, with the "rest of the world" as the sixth region.

Online WMS Selection Engine

In our survey, we invited the participating software vendors to score their target group with respect to twenty relevant topics regarding warehousing characteristics, assortment, IT requirements and warehouse management functions.

For instance, every vendor did received 12 points for the topic "Number of warehouse staff". The vendors distributed these points among three options "0-25 fte", "25-75 fte" and ">75 fte". A vendor who only focuses on warehouses with 25 or less operators, would enter "12" on "0-25 fte". A vendor who focuses on all staff quantities alike, would enter "4" on all three options. In fact, any distribution of the 12 points is allowed. If a vendor assigns the value zero to an option, then this implies that it is not in its target group.

The vendors' scores have been incorporated in WOLF, our online WMS finder. Specify your warehousing requirements in WOLF and it adds up the individual scores of the vendors on these requirements. The vendors with the highest scores focus most on your type of business. Include these vendors in your WMS selection as your first step to a successful project.

Start your own WMS Selection

Use WOLF to find a long list of up to eight candidates. Contact these vendors and evaluate their WMS functionality, implementation and support capabilities, technology and continuity of business to identify your ideal vendor. The Supply Chain Group can help you with the selection and implementation of your new warehouse management system. Our experience in WMS selections helps you find the best WMS for your business against the best (price) conditions. Our warehousing skills help you streamline your operation and considerably increase the savings that result from your new system.


  designed and developed
  by IWL AG Werksplanung
  und Logistik

  Hörvelsinger Weg 62/1
  89081 Ulm, Germany
  If you have any questions,
  please contact:
  +49. 731. 14050.22
  Nadine Wiedmann
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